Sunday, 7 November 2010

A conclusion of sorts

Right, part two is going to be brief, as I cannot think of much at all to write.

I met some new folks, though I do apologise to them for anything I may have done/said/caused that may have offended them and/or caused them serious injury or death. I was really very drunk. I should get that tattooed on me as a permanent disclaimer.

I got shit scared at the bar as I realised I was being glared at by a very angry looking man dressed as a mummy, only to have him shout at me "PENNER IT'S MECKS YOU TIT!". I've never been more relieved on a night out.

I also remember a moment of disgusting cliché with regards to somebody dressed as Leonidus. I'm actually ashamed of myself. First time this year. Not bad going. I don't remember getting home on halloween at all.

Apparently I shared a taxi with Daniel and a nice girl we had just met that evening. Min being the subtle creature she is nicknamed her Ramona. Oh, and Daniel was dressed as Scott Pilgrim.

Upon arriving home, we decided toast was a good idea. After happily throwing my crusts into the sink, it was time to sleep. Before bed however, I made sure I collected something to prevent my floor being more ruined, as I had gleefully and correctly prophesised I was going to end the wonderful evening with a bout of violent vomiting.

I rarely wish I was wrong.

And mostly I'm not.

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